Openly Coverage Options
Openly offers a number of optional endorsements that customers can add to their Openly home insurance policy. Optional endorsements offered by Openly include:
Water Backup: Openly offers Water Backup coverage that you can add to your home insurance policy. This coverage helps cover the cost of damage caused by water that has backed up from a drain or sump pump.
Earthquake Insurance: Do you live in an area that experiences earthquakes? Openly offers earthquake coverage that you can add to your policy as an endorsement. It also offers Earthquake Loss Assessment Coverage.
Home-sharing Program Coverage: Openly offers insurance coverage for those who rent out their home through home-sharing networks like Airbnb.
Buried Utility Line Coverage: Openly offers this coverage that is also called underground utility line coverage. This coverage protects utility lines that are underground if they experience damage such as a leak or break.
State Specific Coverages: Homeowners in different states may have different homeowners insurance needs. Openly offers optional coverages that you can add to your policy depending on your state and your needs. A few of the coverages offered include Mine Subsidence and Sinkhole coverage.
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