First Chicago Insurance Company was founded in 1920, originally called Chicago Ice Producers Mutual Liability Company. The company has changed multiple names over the years and was renamed First Chicago Insurance Company in 2006 when it was converted from a mutual form of governance to a stock company. First Chicago's headquarters are in Bedford Park, Illinois, but it offers services to areas of Indiana and Wisconsin as well.
How do customers rate First Chicago Insurance Company?
First Chicago auto insurance discounts
- Advance Quote Discount: If you buy your insurance policy with First Chicago before your coverage is set to start, you may qualify for this discount
- Anti-Theft Discount: This discount is available if your vehicle is equipped with anti-theft devices
- Defensive Driver Discount: Taking a defensive driver course can qualify you for savings with First Chicago Insurance
- Driving Record Discount: You can earn a First Chicago Insurance discount based on your driving record
- Good Student Discount: Get rewarded with a good student discount with First Chicago if you or someone on your policy has exceptional academic achievement
- Homeowners Discount: Owning a home can earn you a discount on your First Chicago auto insurance policy
- Multi-Car Discount: If you have more than one car insured on your First Chicago Insurance policy, you may be eligible for this discount
- Paid in Full Discount: Pay your premium in full upfront and save money on your policy by earning this discount
- Renewal Discount: Renewing your auto insurance policy with First -Chicago can help you save money on your car insurance
- Prior Insurance Discount: You can earn this discount if you switch to First Chicago Insurance from a different insurance company
First Chicago Insurance Company Coverage Options
First Chicago has a Glass Express Program, offering policyholders a quick and easy way to file a glass claim. Claims for glass can be filed online or by phone. First Chicago's Glass Express Program offers service 24/7 every day.
They also offer the additional coverage options:
Commercial auto insurance
Trailer Insurance
Before making any final decisions on your insurance company, it is important to learn as much as you can about your local insurance providers, and the coverages they offer. Call your local insurance agent to clear up any questions that you might have. Questions to consider asking include, "What is the best coverage plan for me/my family/my situation?" "What are the minimum coverage requirements in my state and what form of coverage do you recommend?" "Do you guys offer any bundle discounts if I take out both my auto insurance and home insurance with you?" and "What is the average rate of insurance quotes you guys offer?"
Before making any big insurance decisions, use our free tool to compare insurance quotes near you. It's simple, just plug in your zip code and we'll do the rest!
What states does First Chicago Insurance Company do business in?
First Chicago Insurance Company sells car insurance in 5 states. See the state First Chicago Insurance Company sells in below and click the link to see how First Chicago Insurance Company compares to the other top companies in that state.
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