What customers say about Coverhound
CoverHound has been registered with the non-profit Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 2013. As of April 3, 2018, CoverHound has only two customer reviews on the BBB’s website, but they are good ones: its composite customer rating is 4.34 out of 5. CoverHound has generated four total complaints since 2013, with one complaint related to advertising/sales issues, one complaint related to billing/collection issues and two complaints related to problems customers have experienced with products and services.
On Yelp.com, CoverHound has a composite rating of 4 out of 5 stars, with a total of ten customer reviews since in 2015. These reviews fall at either end of the spectrum: two are one-star reviews, while eight are five-star reviews.
The most common customer sentiments posted on Yelp are “easy,” “best rate,” “highly recommend,” “user friendly website,” “responsive service,” “hassle-free process,” and “fast and painless.”
Of the two one-star reviews, one reviewer complained about CoverHound’s “hidden policies,” and the other reviewer claimed to have found a better rate directly from Progressive Insurance. A CoverHound representative did respond to the first negative review, which was published on August 28, 2015.
Meanwhile, a recent Clearsurance survey of 49 users of CoverHound returned very positive results. CoverHound earned an overall rating of 4.43 out of 5 from these customers, with 83.7% of respondents reporting an overall positive experience using Coverhound. A very high number, 91.8%, of respondents saying they were completely comfortable with how their information was used by the company. Of the survey group, 75.5% percent of respondents said that using CoverHound made for a better experience than if they had chosen not to used them.