Risky Driving Behaviors & the Car Insurance Age Tax [2024 Findings]

Most insurers justify the age tax – charging drivers more based on their age – by using driving statistics to determine which drivers are most likely to be involved in a severe accident. Our look into risky driving behaviors revealed that millennials scored the worst for fatal driving crashes, speeding crashes, drunk driving crashes, distracted driving crashes, and seatbelt use.

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UPDATED: 2024-08-28T12:38:34.964Z
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What You Should Know

  • Insurers charge certain generations more based on the likelihood of car crashes
  • Millennials have the highest fatality rates for all the risk categories
  • Baby boomers had the lowest fatality rates for the majority of the risk categories

Car insurance rates change throughout a driver's life because of multiple factors – driving violations, new cars, or a change of address. A lesser-known aspect is that some insurers may increase rates based solely on a driver's age. The term age tax describes the difference in car insurance prices between generations, as insurers charge drivers more simply because of their age.

What causes insurers to raise rates for new and older drivers? Essentially, insurers look at the history of crashes and make assumptions about the risky driving behaviors of different age groups. For example, teenage drivers with less experience are charged higher rates than middle-aged drivers.

Age-related problems such as decreased reaction time and reduced nighttime vision can also put older drivers at risk behind the wheel, potentially leading to higher insurance rates. Below is a snapshot of our study's findings when it comes to risky driving behaviors.

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This study looks at some of the dangerous driving behaviors of different age groups to better understand the age tax and if it is justified.

We also cover the following topics so drivers can learn more about how to get cheap car insurance despite the age tax most insurers charge:

  • Expert opinions on the age tax
  • Frequently asked questions about risky driving

Keep reading to learn more about the riskiest driving behaviors by age to see which generations are most at risk of getting into an accident.

Before you begin, are you paying too much for your car insurance? Enter your ZIP code into our free tool to compare car insurance rates and see if you can save money.

Complete Risky Driving Behavior Data

So how do insurers justify these changing rates for drivers? They do so by looking at fatalities and crashes by age to determine the risk of insuring drivers.

What are some driving behaviors that lead to crashes? Drunk driving, speeding, distracted driving, and not using a seatbelt are some of the riskiest driving behaviors that lead to fatalities.

Our team of researchers dug up the most recent risk data on crashes, injuries, drunk driving, seatbelt use, distracted driving, and speeding from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to see which generations are the riskiest to insure.

Our researchers also used population data to calculate the rate of speeding and drunk driving deaths per 100K for each generation to determine which generations had the most car crash deaths relevant to the generation's population. Let's dive into the overall statistics before we break down the results by age.

Fatal Car Crash and Injury Statistics

Our researchers put together the data you see below to find out how fatal crashes and injuries vary among age groups.

Millennials have the highest rate of fatal crashes and injuries from car crashes, followed by Gen-Xers. Baby boomers have the lowest rate of fatal crashes and injuries, making them one of the lowest risk groups.

Of course, these numbers don't reflect which generations have the worst problems with risk behaviors. Therefore, we wanted to dig deeper into the most significant risk factors drivers participate in: drunk driving, speeding, distracted driving, and restraint (seatbelt) use.

Speeding Fatality Statistics

Speeding is one of the most dangerous driving habits, which is why we wanted to look closely at fatalities caused by speeding. The complete results of what our researchers found are below.

Millennials have the highest rate of fatal crashes due to speeding. As drivers age after they reach their middle-age adult years, the rate of fatal speeding crashes decreases, making baby boomers the least likely to be in a fatal crash due to speeding.

Drunk Driving Fatality Statistics

Drunk driving puts both the driver and everybody else on the road at risk. The complete results for drunk driving by age are below.

Millennials once again have the highest rate of drunk driving fatalities, with Generation X coming in second. Generation Z had the lowest rate of drunk driving fatalities, likely due to most of Generation Z still being underage.

Distracted Driving Fatality Statistics

All it takes is a second for a driver to get into a crash. When drivers' attention is not on the road but diverted to looking at a cellphone or eating a sandwich, their chance of crashing becomes significantly higher. Below are the complete results for distracted driving by generation.

Millennials are consistently showing themselves to be the riskiest driving age, as they ranked first again for distracted driving fatalities. Generation Z has the lowest rate of distracted driving; however, most of Generation Z cannot drive yet, so distracted driving is still a significant problem for teenage drivers.

Restraint Usage Fatality Statistics

Not wearing a seatbelt increases a driver's chance of being severely injured or killed in a crash. Therefore, insurers take seatbelt use seriously.

Generation Z and baby boomers have the best rates for restraint usage, with fewer fatalities than millennials and Generation X.

Risky Driving Behaviors Broken Down by Generation

So which generations are the riskiest to insure overall? For a complete breakdown of each age group's risk factors, keep reading. We've broken down each generation's results to give you a more complete look.

You can click the links below to jump to a particular generation's section:

Generation Z (Born Between 1997-2012)

Since Generation Z consists of younger drivers, insurers tend to charge them the highest car insurance rates. While shopping around for the best car insurance for teens and young drivers might help reduce costs, Generation Z can still expect to pay higher rates than older drivers.

Why is Generation Z charged more? Before we break down some of the main risky driving statistics, let's take a look at fatal car crashes and injuries.

Generation Z made up 23% of all fatalities and injuries in total car crashes in the U.S., although they had the second-lowest rate of people killed amongst the generations. Since some of Generation Z is still too young to drive, the lower numbers make sense. However, for Generation Z drivers, the risk factors are still high.

Generation Z had a high rate of crashes due to speeding, only slightly below Generation X's and millennial's rates. Take a look at the speeding fatal crash numbers below.

Speeding can be classified as the number one unsafe driving behavior that contributes to violations and collisions, and Generation Z has a high number of total deaths due to speeding.

Once drivers hit age 25, the percentage of fatal speeding crashes decreases significantly as drivers age.

Younger drivers’ tendency to speed and lose control of a vehicle could be one of the reasons that insurers charge more for young Generation Z drivers.

Generation Z does have lower fatality rates when it comes to drunk driving, however. Take a look at the numbers below for Generation Z.

Generation Z has an overall rate of 11.2 drunk driving deaths per 100K, which is low compared to 15.9 for Generation X and 21.7 for millennials. Since half of Generation Z is underage and unable to drink legally, the lower numbers make sense.

Even though Generation Z has a lower rate of drunk driving deaths, distracted driving behaviors are still a problem for Generation Z. Recent NHTSA data showed that 8% of drivers ages 15 to 19 were distracted at the time of the crash, higher than any other age bracket.

Below, you can see the complete breakdown of distracted driving fatalities for Generation Z.

Distracted driving covers a range of activities, from texting and driving to eating and driving. Any activity that takes a driver’s attention away from the road counts as distracted driving.

Even though Generation Z may have scored lower in some of the fatality numbers, Generation Z is still considered a higher-risk generation to insure. Their lack of driving experience and tendency to participate in risky behaviors such as speeding makes them more prone to crashing and being injured.

Millennials (Born Between 1981-1996)

Since millennials scored the worst in all of the risk factors we looked at, we wanted to dig deeper into the risk factors for millennials. Below are the results for general crash fatalities and injuries for millennial-aged drivers.

Millennials had the highest number of injuries and fatalities from car crashes, although older millennial drivers had fewer injuries and fatalities than younger millennials.

Millennial-aged drivers also had the highest rate of speeding-related crashes. Below are the total numbers for speeding-related crashes for millennials.

Male millennials have a significantly higher number of fatal crashes due to speeding, although the overall percentage drops significantly for older millennials.

Drunk driving is another one of the riskiest behaviors that drivers can participate in and is illegal in all U.S. states. The data our researchers collected from the NHTSA on drunk driving crashes shows that millennials have the highest rate per 100K people of drunk driving crashes, with Generation X coming in second. Take a look at the results below.

A much higher number of male millennials are shown to get into crashes than female millennials. Younger millennials (25 to 30) are also much more likely to drive drunk and be involved in a fatal crash than millennials nearing their 40s.

When it comes to distracted driving, the numbers show similar patterns to drunk driving — young males are the worst offenders for distracted driving.

The number of distracted driving fatalities for 40-year-olds is over 400 less than fatalities for 25-year-olds.

The fatality numbers show that millennials risky to insure than Generation X and baby boomers. Because of this, millennials may have more expensive rates than older generations.

Generation X (Born Between 1965-1980)

Generation X consistently scored poorly in all of the risk categories we looked at. We want to break those numbers down further to see which ages and genders of Generation X have the worst rates and will therefore be charged the most.

Forty-one-year-olds have the highest rate of fatalities and injuries. The total number of injuries tends to decrease as Generation X ages, although fatalities increase slightly.

Generation X also had a high rate of fatal speeding crashes, with male drivers making up 83% of Generation X's total speeding fatalities. The complete breakdown of Generation X's speeding fatalities by age and sex is below.

Speeding fatalities tend to decrease for both sexes as drivers age, with 41-year-olds showing the highest totals.

Drunk driving is another struggle for Generation X, as they had a rate of 15.9 fatalities per 100K population. Males once again dominated the number of fatalities, with a total of 8,236 fatalities. The full results are below.

Once Generation X drivers turn 50, the number of drunk driving fatalities begins to decrease slowly. However, they still have a high rate of drunk driving fatalities compared to the other generations.

Unfortunately, Generation X also had a high rate of distracted driving crashes, with millennial's score only slightly above Generation X's. Take a look at Generation X's data below.

As with the other risky driving factors, males had more fatalities than females. 41-year-olds also had the highest total of deaths, followed by 48-year-olds.

Generation X can expect higher insurance rates than baby boomers or Generation Z. The fatality numbers show that Generation X has problems with speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving.

Baby Boomers (Born Between 1954-1964)

Our researchers found that baby boomers have a fairly low rate of fatalities and injuries for crashes. The crash and injury rates for baby boomers are below.

The numbers show that the total fatalities begin to drop significantly after age 64. This could be because the average retirement age is after 60, so baby boomers no longer have work commutes and aren't on the roads as often. This can lead to lower car insurance rates for older baby boomers.

Baby boomers also had the lowest rate of fatal crashes for speeding, which is one of the riskiest driving behaviors. Take a look at the numbers below.

As with all the generations, more males than females were involved in fatal speeding crashes, and older baby boomers are also much less likely to speed than younger baby boomers.

Baby boomers also had a lower fatality rate for drunk driving, with 9.7 drunk driving deaths per 100K. Take a look at the baby boomer drunk driving statistics below.

Since drunk driving is one of the riskiest driving behaviors, ranking best in this category can help lower rates for all baby boomer drivers.

As for distracted driving, baby boomers scored similarly to Generation Z. Male baby boomers are more likely to get into a fatal distracted driving crash than female baby boomers.

Fifty-seven-year-old baby boomers had the highest number of fatalities, whereas 75-year-old baby boomers had the lowest number of distracted driving fatalities.

Baby boomers did well in some of the fatal risk categories, which means it may be easier for baby boomers to find lower insurance rates.

Expert Opinions on the Age Tax and How to Avoid Being a Risky Driver

It may seem impossible to lower rates when insurers discriminate against drivers based solely on their age, but luckily there are still ways to save. We've collected expert advice from attorneys, car dealership consultants, financial experts, and insurance experts on the worst risky driving behaviors, how to save on car insurance, and their opinions on the car insurance age tax.

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"In my opinion, the methods used by many insurance providers are backed by years of data. The rates they assign are due to many factors that present the likelihood of an individual crashing their car.

It's not fair if they generalize an entire demographic. What will happen to one person is not likely to happen to another, especially with car-related accidents.

Age-related rates should not be eliminated, as eliminating these rates will force insurance handlers to handle and assess each case individually. I believe the importance of the age factor should be diminished, and other factors such as history, driving behavior, and fines should be prioritized.

On occasion, you can call for increasing rates to be re-evaluated based on your driving habits. I did this myself. Upon making my case and highlighting my driving behavior, they reverted to the initial rate.

The most unsafe behavior is driving without your complete attention; this can cause you to miss minute details in traffic and hit your car.

Using your phone or driving under the influence also contributes to car accidents and altercations. Other notable behaviors can include driving fast, tailgating, reckless lane changing, and improper headlight use.

In the state of Florida, the average car insurance premiums range from $2,000 to $2,200. This price is fair because of the high number of speeding tickets and DUI cases in the state.

GEICO is an insurance provider that gives teenage drivers affordable and cheap insurance that does not set rates according to the age factor but according to the driving history. It is best for the ages from 18 until 20.

Drivers need to follow proper rules of traffic and understand how to drive in an ethically safe manner. They should make appropriate use of tail lights, be aware of each area's speeding limits, and drive with their undivided attention on the road."

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Clayton Hasbrook is an attorney at OklahomaLawyer.com.
He specializes in personal injury and insurance law.

"Insurance tends to be more costly for younger drivers due to their lack of experience and their increased likelihood of being involved in accidents.

While they do not have the years of experience to provide road expertise, the rules of the road are fresher in their minds due to their driver's education.

While a license must be renewed every few years, there is no mandatory refresher course for road laws. In Louisiana, one only has to prove their residency and pay a fee to renew their license. Some states only require a vision test. Older drivers rarely have their skill level re-assessed. Thus age is a weak factor to determine who is a truly at-risk driver.

On average, auto insurance in Louisiana is $975 for basic coverage and $2,724 for full car insurance. This is 55.9% higher than the national average, mainly due to the state's number of accident-related lawsuits.

In 2019, Louisiana was in the highest range of deaths in an analysis of alcohol-impaired driving fatality rates per 100 million vehicle miles. Louisiana mainly factors in age, tobacco use, geography, and whether the individual is on a family plan to determine insurance cost.

The age factor is somewhat limited; a 63-year-old enrolled cannot have a premium more than three times a 21-year-old’s on the same plan. In 2014, insurers were not allowed to affect rates based on gender, health status, or preexisting conditions.

Erie Insurance has good rates for new drivers, teens, and younger drivers, and Progressive rewards those with good driving records. To reduce your risk of an accident, practice active defensive driving. Be aware of right-of-way laws, use a signal to make a safe pass on the road, and make sure you leave enough space between your car and others to avoid collisions.

While following such strict steps may seem excessive, they are the best way to protect yourself against unaware drivers.”

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Allyson Langhoff is a consultant for Superior Honda.
Superior Honda is a used car dealership in New Orleans.

"Imagine a hypothetical small town where in the last five years there had been about 200 car accidents every year with the average dollar value of each accident amounting to around $5,000. Now imagine the insured population of this town is 20,000, and there is only one insurer providing car insurance.

This simplified information provides a starting point to our hypothetical insurer to determine the number of claims to expect in a given year, about $1 million (200 x $5,000). With this expected cost, the insurer can now determine what premium to charge to each insured person, which would be about $50 ($1 million divided by 20,000 insureds) + operating costs and profit margin.

Notice how in our simplified scenario, 20,000 people have to bear the cost of 200 people. Many of these 200 people might be irresponsible drivers or drivers with slow reflexes or ones driving poorly-maintained vehicles prone to accidents, the cost of which has to be borne by the remaining population, many of whom are good drivers.

The above seems unfair, but this is how insurance works at a basic high level. Funds are pooled together for the benefit of each other.

Our hypothetical scenario above was very unfair, so in reality, insurers use as many variables as possible to make the premiums fair and reflective of the drivers' risk profiles. Insurers would cut the population into many different groups: gender (where it is legally allowed), age, location, driving history, etc.

The basis of these groupings is generally observed behavior or presumptions (mostly fair). Age is one such variable and one of the most important variables considered when setting premiums. The reason for this is that younger drivers (Generation Z) and older drivers (baby boomers) are at higher risk compared to the middle-aged (millennials).

This assumption is not unfair at a group level, even if at an individual level, baby boomers have the same historical driving record as millennials as an example. The baby boomer group as a whole has slower reflexes, more health issues, and more chances of having weaker eye-sight putting them at a higher risk of having an accident.

Yes, there will be individuals in all of these groups that will be winners and losers. For example, a good Generation Z driver who sleeps at 9 p.m. and only goes out weekdays to work on their car has to pay for many others who party late, drive while drinking, and make other bad choices.

The former is losing by having to pay more despite their good habits, and the latter wins by being charged less. The same principle applies to any other variables the insurers use.

So, what stops insurers from charging each individual driver based on their exact risk profile instead of these generic variables? The simple answer is the lack of data. Insurers don't have this detailed information around the lifestyle, health conditions, how rough individuals drive, etc., to determine premiums for each individual driver.

With the advancements in technology, we have come to a point where telematics solves this problem of lack of data and allows insurers to charge fair premiums.

The device attached to your car collects a lot of big data specific to you (like times you use your car, routes you take, how you brake, how rough you drive, and more), giving insurers enough data points to charge you a premium specific to your risk profile.

Telematics is still in its early days and is having its fair share of challenges. Until we reach the point where telematics is widely used by all insurers and is without glitches, we have to rely on the existing insurance mechanism that has been in place for over a century."

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Irfan Chaudry is the founder of InsightArtist.com.
Irfan is an actuary with over 10 years of experience in financial services.

What are the risks you should be aware of when driving?

“When you get behind the wheel of a car, there are several risks you should be aware of. Some of these risks include the dangers of distracted driving, impaired driving, and running into other vehicles.

One common way to become distracted while driving is to text or talk on your phone. Texting while driving is hazardous because it increases your risk of crashing by 40%. Furthermore, talking on the phone while driving increases your risk by 50%. You could risk potential fines and even jail time if you are caught texting or talking on your phone while behind the wheel.

Another common way to become impaired while driving is to drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol can impair your ability to drive safely. It is best to avoid driving while impaired in any way.”

How can you avoid being subject to the car insurance age tax?

“When it comes to car insurance, a driver's age can have a significant impact on their premium. While most insurers will charge the same rate for anyone over the age of 18, a few exceptions may apply depending on the insurer and specific state laws.

If you are aged over 25 and not covered by your parents' car insurance policy, you may be subject to an age tax. An age tax essentially means that your premium will increase by up to 30% if you are over 25 and not covered by your parent's policy. Again, if you're caught driving without car insurance, this could lead to fines or even jail time.

You can take several steps to avoid being subject to the car insurance age tax.”

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Lianzhen Yang is the CEO of PalaLeather.com.
His company sells custom leather jackets.

How do you feel about the methods many insurance providers use to increase and decrease car insurance rates by age?

“Although I can understand the underlying reason behind setting car insurance rates by age, I still feel that this method is not fair.”

In your opinion, is it fair for car insurers to charge younger and older drivers more, even if they have the same driving record as middle-aged drivers?

“As I mentioned, I don’t believe it is fair. If Gen Z and baby boomer drivers’ driving record is the same as millennials’, it doesn’t make sense to charge them more. I understand that most statistics show that certain age groups are more likely to get in car accidents. Still, I have encountered many teenagers who have proven to be more skillful than middle-aged drivers.”

Should age-based car insurance rates be eliminated?

“Yes, they should be eliminated. I believe that only past driving records should be taken into account. For young drivers with no prior experience, extensive driving training should be provided to reduce their chances of getting into accidents.”

Have you noticed that your car insurance rates have changed as you've gotten older due solely to age?

“Yes, I’ve noticed that. I started driving relatively late; I was 31. Back then, my insurance rate was around $570 per year. Now that I’m in my 50s, it has dropped down to $510, despite the fact that I’ve been in two minor car accidents since I started driving.”

What are the main unsafe driving behaviors that can cause accidents and raise car insurance rates?

“Some unsafe driving behaviors that cause accidents and raise insurance rates include the following:

  • Overspeeding
  • Not wearing a seatbelt
  • Road rage
  • Driving under the influence
  • Driving while tired

These behaviors can influence your insurance rates.”

Do you feel like insurance prices are too high or unfairly determined where you live?

“I live in Washington, and my yearly insurance rate is $1,260. Even though at least 8 to 10 states have a higher annual rate, I still feel that this rate is very high."

Have you found one insurance provider to be better than others for drivers of a certain age or risk factor?

“I have found Erie Insurance to be better than all other car insurance providers for young drivers, particularly those under the age of 21. Erie provides these drivers with attractive discounts, such as:

  • Youthful Driver Discounts for single drivers younger than 21 who live with their patients
  • Driving Training Discounts for drivers under the age of 21 who complete an accredited training course
  • Erie Rate Lock, which keeps the premiums the same each year regardless of the number of accidents

All of these discounts make Erie an attractive choice for young drivers.”

What steps can drivers take to reduce their risk of being in a crash and being labeled as risky drivers by car insurers?

“Some measures that drivers can take to reduce the risk of crashes include the following:

  • Avoiding using mobile phones while driving
  • Maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of them
  • Taking extra precautions in case of extreme weather conditions
  • Refraining from driving under the influence or when tired
  • Limiting night driving

These steps will help drivers reduce their risk on the road.”

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Linda Chavez is the founder of Seniors Life Insurance Finder.
Her site provides free online quotes for seniors looking for insurance.

In your opinion, is it fair for car insurers to charge younger and older drivers more, even if they have the same driving record as middle-aged drivers?

“It’s important for drivers to understand that their insurance rate is determined both by factors they can control and some they can’t. One thing you can’t control is how your shared risk group can impact your insurance rates. Shared risk groups are how insurance companies categorize drivers by ZIP code, state, and, of course, age.

Your policy cost can be affected by losses in your shared risk group, such as high rates of vehicle thefts in your ZIP code.

Why is age a part of this? Because all age groups come with different risks. For example, younger drivers have less experience and therefore may be more likely to get in accidents.

When comparing Gen Z drivers to millennials, recent studies show that younger drivers paid higher car insurance premiums, despite having equal or fewer driving violations. Baby boomers often pay higher premiums than Gen X drivers regardless of equal or fewer violations.

While these studies haven’t necessarily proven that Gen Z and baby boomers are ‘better’ drivers and therefore less risky, it does make a case that age does not always determine accident frequency."

What are the main unsafe driving behaviors that can cause accidents and raise car insurance rates?

"Top causes of car accidents include speeding, distracted or reckless driving, and driving under the influence. Speeding, a preventable behavior, is likely to result in a ticket and potentially increase a driver's insurance rate.

Driving under the influence, another avoidable behavior, can result in a more serious violation, a DUI. This will drive up your insurance cost and will stay on your record for longer than more minor offenses — up to ten years — which means paying more for insurance all that time.

When there are factors contributing to your insurance rate that you can’t control, focus on the ones you can control. After an accident, a driver’s insurance rate goes up 34% on average, but on the higher end, drivers can incur an 80% increase in extreme cases. Avoid these behaviors and subsequent increased insurance rates."

What steps can drivers take to reduce their risk of being in a crash and being labeled as risky drivers by car insurers?

"Consider what type of car you’re driving. Contrary to what you might assume, driving a newer car with improved safety features, in some cases, might cause your insurance rate to go up, not down.

Even though those safety features can lower your liability rate, insurers don’t know how brand new technology will perform, and parts for replacement may not be readily available.

Because drivers can’t control many factors that contribute to their risk profile, they should look for potential insurance savings elsewhere. Your insurance carrier may offer discounts for safe driving using telematics, pay-by-mile policies, multi-car discounts, and bundled policies.

If you haven’t switched your carrier in a while, there’s a good chance you may be overpaying for car insurance regardless of your risk level. Use an online service to automatically shop from 50 carriers across the country and find savings for the same or better coverage."

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Josh Damico is the VP of Insurance Operations at GetJerry.com.
Previously a GEICO executive, Josh has extensive insurance industry experience.

Frequently Asked Questions: Risky Driving Behaviors

If you still have questions about risky driving, we answered the most commonly asked questions about good and bad driving behaviors below.

#1 – What are the qualities of a good driver?

Several qualities make up a good driver. The best drivers drive defensively and pay attention to what's on the road at all times. They also build up experience as much as possible, from driving in the rain to avoiding animals leaping onto the road. The more experience drivers develop, the better prepared they are for road mishaps.

Respectful driving behaviors also help drivers stay safe, such as yielding and staying a safe distance behind other drivers.

#2 – What is the most unsafe driving behavior?

Most people will say that speeding is the number one unsafe driving behavior that contributes to collisions, contributing to thousands of deaths every year. Drivers who drive above the speed limit are more likely to lose control of their vehicles and crash.

#3 – What are three types of aggressive driving behaviors?

There are a number of aggressive driving behaviors that can make a driver more prone to crashing or causing other drivers to crash, not just three. Some of them are:

  • Tailgating
  • Not using turn signals
  • Cutting off drivers
  • Driving through red lights

Any behavior that endangers the safety of others or the driver should be avoided, as aggressive driving puts everyone on the road at risk.

#4 – What are the six dangerous driving behaviors?

Some of the riskiest driving behaviors are:

  • Impaired driving
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Not using a seatbelt
  • Driving aggressively

Other unsafe driving behaviors include violating the right of way, tailgating, turning improperly, passing improperly, and moving to the left of the center of the road.

#5 – What are five examples of risky driving behaviors?

Not all drivers are familiar with what might fall under the definition of unsafe driving. Some examples of risky driving behaviors are:

  • A driver going above the speed limit, especially around turns
  • A driver texting while driving
  • A driver driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • A driver not wearing their seatbelt
  • A driver weaving through traffic

Any behavior that puts the driver or others at risk can therefore land under an unsafe driving definition.

#6 – What are some driving safety tips?

Safe drivers do not drive aggressively and follow the law. Yielding properly, following driving laws, and defensive driving can all help a driver stay safe. Drivers who don't have much experience can benefit from driving courses, especially defensive driving courses.

#7 – Will my rates go down once I turn 25?

Many drivers ask if car insurance goes down at age 25, and the answer is usually yes with most providers. The high rates that insurers charge younger drivers will start to decrease as drivers near 30 and gain valuable driving experience. However, this rate tends to get higher again as drivers age.

Methodology: Looking Into Generations' Risky Driving Behaviors

In order to determine which generation is the most prone to risky driving behaviors, our researchers analyzed a variety of data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on drunk driving, speeding, fatal crashes, non-fatal injuries, seatbelt use, and distracted driving.

Our researchers pulled the latest data available from the NHTSA. With the drunk driving, distracted driving, seatbelt use, speeding, crashes, and injury data, our researchers calculated the crash rate per 100k people using the population number of each age group.

This allowed our researchers to get an accurate driving behavior analysis in regards to which age group is the worst culprit for different types of risky driving. In turn, this provides a snapshot into why insurers may automatically charge certain age groups of drivers more, even it appears unwarranted.

The good news is that no matter what your age is, driving carefully and keeping a clean driving record will go a long way to keeping your car insurance rates low.

Don't let the car insurance age tax cause you to pay too much for car insurance. Shop around to find the best deal. Enter your ZIP code into our free comparison tool to find the best options in your area.


  1. https://www.nhtsa.gov/

Editorial Guidelines: We strive to help you make confident insurance decisions. Comparison shopping should be easy. We are not affiliated with any one insurance provider and cannot guarantee quotes from any single provider.
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